Friday, 19 August 2011

Sandbanks & West Lake

Lisa & David lugging the volleyball net up the dune at Sandbanks

the view at sunset over West Lake in Prince Edward County

Sandbanks beach--'facebook for dogs'

Archie enjoying the sun

We discovered a wonderful spot last week for dog lovers to enjoy the summer--Sandbanks Provincial Park has a beautiful section of the Sandbanks beach open to dogs.  It seemed as if every third group on the beach was accompanied by a dog (or two!) enjoying the sand and water.  One beach-goer commented it was 'facebook for dogs'

Boston checking out all the canines on the soft sand

Bosley, it was discovered was a little shy of the water & cozied up to Korrie

Otis in the foreground & Boston in the background battled it out for the big pink ball