Wednesday, 12 December 2012

recuperating after a busy fall.....

mushrooms in a garden.....

.......on a stump at Presquile

A fall walk with Archie at Presquile....

building in the park

....what a great place for a picnic, right on the limestone ledges--too bad we didn't bring some food

A trip to Kingston market Thanksgiving weekend.....

wood piled up for Wooden Head's fabulous wood-fired pizza

an instagrammed-pomegranate

fat, potted amaryllis

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

and the summer flew by......

despite the drought--lots of flowers for the bees, fruits for a few batches of jam, fresh garden tomato salad, black geranium, tree frog bungee jumping, sunrise at home, plastic man at Sandbanks, beehive, Sandbanks, county rd. #2, Archie @ beach, house on the sand, soapwort in fisheye lens, hill to the beach, clouds but no rain, 2 happy signs, some happy toes, why won't they play?, outside looking in, smiles in the Sentra.....a great summer!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

june love

Lisa's instagram pic of Archie chasing a ball

sitting on the bee equipment in between flying lessons

glorious fringe tree

'pink hawaiian coral' peony

'crystal fountain' clematis

Itoh peony

'l'etincelante' peony

holey stones


Japanese Maple

climbing rose on the greenhouse