Sunday, 21 April 2013


feeling very pink lately......

crazy handspun

some new handspun & roving sitting on Lauren's cake stand

anticipating the season's first banana split

dahlias planted in the greenhouse

a little corner of paradise

Thursday, 21 March 2013

A loooong winter......

picturesque, but a little heavy for the least it didn't last long....

what's the deal with all this wool anyway?

cold on the west beach

ombre mittens

handspun closeup

I'm seriously considering a line of passive aggressive mittens....

Holly's mittens

yike---that is what I muttered every step before the porcelain & titanium.....

yarn bombing @ home

Leslie's fingerless gloves

sweater for a birdhouse

knitted ruffle

why do cats sit right on the book you are reading, the knitting you are working on, or the rug you are hooking?

Thunder, you are so photogenic

fading light

I figured knitting a new toque (Parseltongue hat from tinyowlknits) would bring on such luck!